Building Trust In self

Sometimes your energy is low and that is completely okay.

We’re not always motivated.

Today I feel completely beat down. Almost useless and a tad bit dissapointed in myself. Because I slept and let the laziness creep up with me and catch up and affect my blessing.

They always say getting rich is not the problem, it’s sustaining it. If you’re anything like me, you don’t know how to keep a Job. Personally I don’t know if it’s because I genuinely am not supposed to work there or I am just lazy, but I really think it’s the latter, because it’s writing and I love writing.

Hello, and welcome to another episode of “Ed’s 20’s ” here you unlock with me the creative power of the mind as we dive and explore into mine.

This past few days have been turmoil to my heart. I have felt a lonely sense of doubt crippling climbing into my head telling me I can’t. Doubting evry single greatness in me and scaring me, But’s that’s not why we’re here.

I’m here writing this because I recently watched a Video by Tiffany T.V on YouTube where she talked about building confidence in yourself so you can show up as your highest self and when you say you will do something, you trust that you will and can.

What I need to do is do what I don’t feel like doing. Rebuild my trust in myself because I am the best person for this Job trully and I’m not about to mess this good thing up.

Building self confidence requires you to love yourself like you’re your favorite person because honestly, nobody’s got you but you. And you have to be good for you before you’re strong enough to branch out and help others.

This of course doesn’t happen overnight. It needs sometime for you to actually discover what Love is before applying it to yourself.  Because most of the time when you feel the yearn and craving for company and fellowship, the best one you would find is inward. There’s where the real work happens.

Building Trust in yourself in completely tearing down your limiting beliefs, some which might have saved you, but on a landslide is creating greater damage to you. Some which you may feel are positive but then you realize are just empty barrels, rooted in nothing.

Living your best, most fulfilled life on earth comes with great sacrifices to pay and only when you’re willing to walk through and embrace the art of delayed gratitude will you understand and appreciate the true meaning of hardwork and self-confidence.

Self confidence is grown in a deep root that you are assured that you are able to continously show up as the best version of yourself when needed.

A practical step I have learnt which helps beat procrastination is planning.

I can chose to tell you, prepare evrything before hand and get super organized but honestly that might not work for you, because as much as I have seen it’s usefulness, realistically, at this point in my life, it is almost impossible to keep up with.

Make a plan flexible enough to accommodate your lifestyle but strict enough to ensure you put your life together.

This I have not yet gotten a hang of, I’ll let you know when I do but for now, lots of hugs, love and kisses.

I love you, but you should love you more.





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